I would like to begin by expressing my sincere thanks to our festival’s staff and volunteers who are indeed luminaries of the festival. Thank you so much for your hard work, without which this festival would not be possible. The year 2020 is a peculiar and precarious time in the history of the Anthropocene era. It hasn’t been possible to properly plan or execute anything. Because of the ongoing pandemic, the festival has been planned, organized and conducted under a cloud of uncertainty. We were forced to rely solely on online tools, organizing the entire festival virtually. Yet, I would say that these limitations affected us—in the sense of Spinoza’s axiom—as a positive force, prompting us to rearticulate the question of “What can bodies do?” to specifically “What can we, especially women, and the festival do?” in light of the lack of physical presence while expanding perceptive capacity.
The festival was anchored on a microcosmic approach. Our aim was simply to present a great selection of films on a secure online platform. Like it is for so many of you, this type of film festival experience is new to us. Unfortunately, the large, well-known distribution companies decided not to screen their films at this year’s festival because of the perceived complications of transitioning online. Happily, many independent and medium-sized film companies were willing to partner with us and take this new journey together. Because of this, we have been fortunate enough to rediscover rare and independent film spirits and works from creators in Korea, Canada and the UK. A special web-development team (prinz.ca) teamed up with us to develop a new online streaming platform, which can easily navigate to watch films, videos and new arts pieces in the comfort of their own home. We thank the many invaluable artists and scholars who have collaborated with us, as well as the generous donors, sponsors and partners who contributed to the festival’s strength and assisted in our pursuit of diverse and colourful voices from the East and the West. As a themed festival, this year we explore the theme “Narrative Beyond Borders: Korean New Cinema by Women Directors,” with 22 films and art pieces by Korean and Korean-Canadian women. In addition to the many wonderful films, we branch out into new territory with the ART-Talks, a fusion of conferences and artists’ talks, and DIY-G(allery), an online gallery space for the exploration of visual art. Further still are developing projects, which can be seen on our website, our social-networking platform, or by contacting us.
I am very proud of the Korean Film Festival Canada’s dedicated team. On behalf of all the team members, I sincerely thank you for embarking on a voyage of virtual cinema experience with the Korean Film Festival Canada.
Bon Cinéma!
Mi-Jeong Lee
KFFC General and Artistic Director
Caractérisée par la richesse indéniable de sa diversité, Montréal accueille toute forme d’échanges culturels et tout dialogue favorisant l’ouverture.
C’est dans ce même esprit et avec grand plaisir que nous saluons la tenue de cette nouvelle édition du Festival du film coréen au Canada. Je me réjouis également de voir que les organisateurs du Festival ne se sont pas laissés arrêter par la pandémie contre laquelle nous continuons de lutter et ont su s’adapter pour organiser cette édition dans un format entièrement en ligne.
Grâce aux films présentés dans le cadre de cet événement, les Montréalais et Montréalaises pourront parfaire leurs connaissances sur la Corée, sur son art, sa culture et son peuple.
Sous le thème « Récit au-delà des frontières : Le cinéma coréen de la nouvelle vague par des réalisatrices (1950-2020) », le festival présente cette année 22 longs et courts métrages, ainsi que des documentaires réalisés par des femmes coréennes et canadiennes d’origine coréenne.
Je me réjouis que cette édition se montre solidaire envers les femmes cinéastes, et qu’elle leur offre une vitrine de choix qui leur permettra d’être vues et entendues à leur pleine et juste valeur.
Aux organisateurs/organisatrices, aux réalisateurs/réalisatrices et aux artistes qui rendent possible cet événement, j’offre mes meilleurs vœux de succès et je félicite le Festival pour sa capacité d’adaptation devant les nombreux défis qu’entraîne la pandémie.
Il m’importe de souligner d’ailleurs que tous les profits de la vente des billets seront versés à des organismes de bienfaisance qui viennent en aide aux personnes fortement touchées par la crise sanitaire sans précédent que nous traversons, une initiative que j’applaudis.
J’invite tous les Montréalais à participer en grand nombre à ce rendez-vous cinématographique et, par le fait même, à aider les plus démunis de notre société.
Characterized by its rich diversity, Montréal welcomes all forms of cultural exchange and open dialogue.
It is in this same spirit and with great pleasure that we welcome this new edition of the Korean Film Festival in Canada. I am also pleased to see that the Festival's organizers were not deterred by the pandemic we are fighting and were able to adapt this edition to a fully online format.
Thanks to the films presented as part of this event, Montrealers will be able to learn more about Korea, its art, culture and people.
Under the theme "Narrative Beyond Borders: Korean Cinema of the New Wave by Female Directors (1950-2020)", this year's festival presents 22 feature and short films, as well as documentaries made by Korean and Canadian women of Korean origin.
I am delighted that this edition shows its solidarity with women filmmakers, offering them a prime showcase that will allow them to be seen and heard at their full and fair value.
To the organizers, directors and artists who are making this event possible, I offer my best wishes for success and congratulate the Festival for its ability to adapt to the many challenges brought about by the pandemic.
It is also important to note that all profits from ticket sales will be donated to charitable organizations that are helping those greatly affected by the unprecedented health crisis we are going through, an initiative that I applaud.
I invite all Montrealers to participate in large numbers in this film event and, by the same token, to help the most vulnerable members of our society.
안녕하십니까, 한국국제교류재단(KF) 이사장 이근입니다.
먼저, 제7회 캐나다 한국영화제의 개최를 진심으로 축하드립니다.
이번 영화제 개최를 위해 함께하신 전주국제영화제, 몬트리올 대학 아시아학 센터 등 모든 관 계자 분들과 협력하게 되어 영광으로 생각합니다.
KF는 1991년 설립 이래 한국의 매력을 세계에 알리고 상호 우호적인 국제 민간 네트워크가 뿌리내릴 수 있도록 다양한 공공외교 사업을 수행하고 지원하고 있습니다. 특히, 다양한 한국 관련 문화예술행사를 개최하고 지원하여 한국문화예술을 알리고 한국과 한국문화에 대한 세 계인의 이해를 제고하고자 노력하고 있습니다.
KF가 매년 발간하는 “지구촌 한류 현황”에 따르면, 캐나다 한류팬이 2015년 17000여명에서 2019년 기준 63,000여명으로 증가하여 현지의 한국문화에 대한 관심이 급증했다는 것을 알 수 있었습니다.
이러한 시류와 더불어 봉준호 감독의 칸 영화제 황금종려상 수상으로 인해 전 세계 한국 영 화에 대한 관심이 고조되고 있는 가운데, KF에서 캐나다 한국영화제 개최를 지원하게 된 것 에 대해 기쁘게 생각합니다.
특히, 여성 감독들의 작품들을 통해 한국영화의 다양성과 독창성을 보여준다는 점에서 이번 영화제가 일반 대중들에게 특별한 경험을 제공하는 기회가 될 것이라고 생각합니다.
다시 한 번, 제7회 캐나다 한국영화제 개최를 축하드리며, 동 행사가 한국과 캐나다 간의 활 발한 문화교류를 촉진하고 강화된 양국 우호 협력관계를 구축하는 계기가 되기를 바랍니다.
한국국제교류재단 이사장
First of all, let me begin by extending my sincere congratulations on the 7th Korean Film Festival of Canada.
It is an honour to cooperate with all the people who have been involved in making this happen, including the Jeonju International Film Festival and the University of Montreal Asian Studies Center.
The Korea Foundation was established in 1991 to promote Korea to the world through public diplomacy. We strive to deepen mutually friendly international civil networks and to promote understanding of Korean arts and culture through various Korea-related events.
According to our annual Global Hallyu report, the number of Hallyu, or Korean wave, fans in Canada increased from 17,000 in 2015 to 63,000 as of 2019, indicating a surge of interest in Korean culture.
Corresponding to this trend, Bong Joon-ho recently further raised global interest in Korean cinema when he won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. The KF is especially pleased to support international appreciation of Korean movies by hosting the Korean Film Festival of Canada.
In particular, this festival will be an opportunity to provide a special experience to the general public by showcasing the diversity and originality of Korean films through the work of female directors.
Once again, congratulations on the 7th Korean Film Festival in Canada. We hope that this event will promote even more active cultural exchange between Korea and Canada and strengthen our enduring bilateral friendship and cooperation.
Thank you very much.
Lee Geun
The Korea Foundation
주몬트리올총영사관겸국제민간항공기구(ICAO)대표부 이윤제 대사입니다.
제7회 캐나다한국영화제 온라인 개최를 진심으로 축하합니다.
2020년은 봉준호 감독의 <기생충>이 아카데미 최우수작품상 수상 쾌거 등 한국영화에 있어서 특별한 해이며,
한국은 다양한 분야의 우수한 영화들을 통해 한국의 문화, 전통, 역사, 예술에 대해
전 세계인들과의 전방위적 소통을 더욱 강화해 나가고 있습니다.
금번 캐나다한국영화제에서는 특별히 한국/한국계 여성감독 영화들을 소개함으로써
지금까지 한국영화와는 차별화되는, 새로운 관점과 시각을 경험할 수 있는 기회가 될 것입니다.
금번 영화제를 준비했던 모든 분들의 노고에 감사드리며,
동 영화제가 앞으로도 퀘벡과 몬트리올을 넘어 캐나다 내에서 한류전파의 첨병으로 성장해 나가기를 기원합니다.
주몬트리올총영사겸이카오(ICAO)대표부 대사
Congratulations on the 7th Korean Film Festival in Canada!
2020 is a very special year for Korean cinema, gaining world-wide recognition when director Bong Joon-ho’s ‘Parasite’ won the 92nd Academy Awards for Best Picture. Korea is further strengthening communication with the world through excellent films in various fields about Korean culture, tradition, history and art.
For the KFFC 2020 edition, they will be opening their platform virtually, allowing more cinema-goers the chance of seeing a Korean film from the comfort of their own homes.
Also this year, KFFC will introduce productions by Korean Women directors! Considered as the Korean New Wave Cinema, the next-generation of female directors will allow Montreal film enthusiasts, the opportunity to experience Korean culture and art from new perspectives of female storytellers.
I am certain that Montreal cinéastes will appreciate the various Korean movies that will be screened during this festival, giving us a moment to delve into the Korean culture and its traditions of both old and new.
Thank you to the dedicated team of KFFC for your hard work in preparation of the film festival. I hope this festival takes the leading role of sharing the Korean Wave from Montreal and continuing throughout Canada.
Bon cinéma!
Yun Je LEE
Consul General & Ambassador,
Permanent Representative on the Council of the ICAO
C’est avec un immense plaisir que le Centre d’études asiatiques (CÉTASE) de l’Université de Montréal s’associe au FFCC pour une deuxième année consécutive. La tenue à distance de ce festival n’enlève rien à l’importance d’un tel événement pour le développement des études coréennes et pour la reconnaissance, par écran interposé, d’un cinéma au féminin vibrant.
Laurence Monnais
Directrice du CÉTASE
Vice-présidente de HOMSEA (History of Medicine in Southeast Asia)
전주국제영화제 집행위원장 이준동입니다.
전주국제영화제와 캐나다한국영화제가 파트너십을 맺게 되었습니다. 전주국제영화제의 개최와 운영을 위해 활약하는 전주시 관계자 및 스태프를 대표하여, 가장 먼저 캐나다한국영화제에 감사와 환영의 뜻을 전합니다.
올해 캐나다한국영화제가 7회 개최를 앞두고 있습니다. 분명 많은 분들의 노력과 배려가 모여 이뤄낸 성과일 것이라 짐작합니다. 코로나19라는 세계적 위기 상황 속에서도, 캐나다한국영화제가 몬트리올 문화예술의 장에 굳건히 뿌리내림으로써 캐나다-한국인의 문화적 성장과 융합을 위해 애쓰고 있다는 소식이 이곳 한국에까지 속속 전해지고 있기 때문입니다.
전주국제영화제는 캐나다 몬트리올이라는 먼 도시에서, 이처럼 가까운 이웃과 교류할 수 있어 기쁩니다. 무엇보다 예술과 영화를 매개로 이와 같은 만남이 이루어졌다는 점에 의의를 두고 싶습니다. 전주국제영화제와 캐나다한국영화제의 이번 협약을 발판 삼아, 독특하고 고유한 문화예술 자원 및 여러 예술인이 활발히 교류하는 장이 열리기를 진심으로 기원합니다.
I'm Joondong Lee, the executive director of Jeonju International Film Festival.
We are happy to announce that Jeonju International Film Festival and Korean Film Festival Canada have recently formed a partnership. On behalf of Jeonju city officials and staff who are active in hosting and operating the Jeonju International Film Festival, I would like to thank and welcome the Korean Film Festival Canada.
This year is the 7th iteration of the Korean Film Festival Canada. Without a doubt, this is a result of the efforts and consideration of many people. Despite a global pandemic, news of the Korean Film Festival Canada is being reported both here in Korea and in Canada. This festival is firmly rooted in Montreal’s rich cultural arts, and it shows the cultural growth and convergence of Korean and Canadian people.
Jeonju International Film Festival is happy to be working with a neighbour who is socially close, but physically faraway in Montreal, Canada. Above all, I would like to express the significance of this meeting through the media of art and film. Taking this agreement as a stepping stone for the Jeonju International Film Festival and the Korean Film Festival Canada, I sincerely hope that this will be a venue for unique cultural and artistic resources and active exchanges between artists.
Jun-Dong Lee
Executive director of the Jeonju International Film Festival
Parce qu’il est un lieu rassembleur, le Cinéma Moderne aime collaborer avec les festivals, universités et organismes qui ont à cœur la diffusion d’œuvres indépendantes, afin d’offrir une panoplie d’activités qui viennent enrichir les simples projections. L'équipe du Cinéma Moderne est donc ravie d'accueillir le public du Festival de film coréen au Canada (KFFC) pour une première fois pour deux projections spéciales de Lucky Chan-sil.
Bon festival à tous!
Roxanne Sayegh
Co-fondatrice du Cinéma Moderne
2020 is a year filled with many challenges; that is why we are delighted to be a partner of the Korean Film Festival Canada(KFFC). With our common goals of building bridges between various art culture communities in Quebec, we are elated to be able to create an alliance with KFFC. Thank you for promoting the unique cultural and artistic identities that are embedded in the multi-cultural mosaic of Quebec. We at ELAN wish KFFC a very successful 2020 festival!
Li Li
President of ELAN
It is always thrilling to see Festivals that champions cinema from 50+ Asian Countries! It is even more exciting to see a Festival that focuses on Korean Cinema.
I have always believed in the Power of Korean Cinema - and as we know the Korean Filmmakers have reinvented, literally, Cinema in the early 9o's.
Since, the Korean 7th Art has been at the forefront of World Cinema!
Heartfelt Congratulations on your Journey - keep the Flame alive for many years to come!
Georges N. Chamchoum
Program & Executive Director of the Asian World Film Festival
I am delighted to support the KFFC and its mission to bridge the cultures of Korea and Canada through film. The festival’s theme of “Narratives Beyond Borders” is relevant in these challenging, isolating times and highlighting the important contribution of women directors is also timely. I look forward to the opening of the festival and hope that it will find a wide audience both in Canada and internationally.
Best wishes,
Anna Yang
En tant que chercheuse travaillant sur le cinéma et la culture visuelle de l'Asie de l'est, en particulier sur le cinéma des femmes, je tiens à saluer cette 7ième édition du FFCC. Je suis particulièrement heureuse que le programme de cette année soit consacrée aux réalisatrices coréennes et canadiennes d'origine coréenne. Je salue aussi les organisateurs et participants au symposium sur le cinéma de ces réalisatrices qui aura lieu pendant le festival. J'espère que l'édition 2020 du FFCC fera connaître à un public plus large l'œuvre de ces réalisatrices du 20e et 21e siècles. Toutes mes félicitations à la directrice artistique et au Comité d'organisation du FFCC!
Livia Monnet
Professeure à l'Université de Montréal
As a scholar with a particular interest in Korean and East Asian cinemas and visual cultures, I would like to extend a warm welcome to the 7th Korean Film Festival Canada. I am particularly excited that the program of the 2020 KFFC is dedicated to Korean and Korean-Canadian women directors and women visual artists. I hope this festival will incite Quebec and Canadian audiences to explore more of the work of these filmmakers and artists. I would also like to extend a warm welcome to the participants of the online conference that will take place during the festival. Congratulations to the artistic director and Organizing committee of the KFFC!
Livia Monnet
Professor at Université de Montréal
Welcome message from the partners for the 7th edition of the Korean Film Festival Canada
On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Korean Film Festival Canada, it is with great pleasure that I welcome you all to this 7th edition of the Festival.
This edition is exceptional for several reasons, not the least of which is that it will take place entirely online. We therefore continue to offer Montrealers, without interruption, an event that will allow you to see unique films that are making their mark around the world.
Another reason to be proud this year is the focus on films made by women of the Korean new wave. It is no secret that in the field of cinema, especially feature films, the space is occupied mainly by men, whether in Canada or Korea.
The 2020 edition of the festival will give you a taste of the talent of women filmmakers.
Under the theme Narratives Beyond Borders: New Wave Korean Cinema by Women Directors (1950-2020, Series I) we are offering 16 feature and short films, as well as documentaries made by Korean and Canadian women of Korean origin.
Let us take advantage of the beautiful program prepared for us by Mi-Jeong Lee and her team.
Enjoy the films!
Marie Boti
Vice Presidente of the KFFC Board of Directors
Co-founder of Productions Multi-Monde
Au nom du Conseil d’administration du Festival du Film Coréen au Canada, c’est avec grand plaisir que je vous souhaite, à toutes et tous, la bienvenue à cette 7e édition du Festival.
Cette édition est exceptionnelle pour plusieurs raisons, la première et non des moindres, est qu’il se déroulera entièrement en ligne. Nous continuons donc à offrir aux Montréalais.e.s, sans interruption, un évènement qui leur permettra de voir des films uniques qui font leur marque dans le monde entier.
Autre raison d’être fier.ère cette année, c’est le focus sur les films réalisés par des femmes de la nouvelle vague coréenne. Ce n’est un secret pour personne que dans le domaine du cinéma, surtout de longs-métrages, la place est occupée principalement par les hommes, que ce soit au Canada ou en Corée.
L’édition 2020 du festival vous permettra de goûter au talent des femmes cinéastes.
Sous le thème « Récit au-delà̀ des frontières : Le cinéma coréen de la nouvelle vague par des réalisatrices (1950-2020), Série I » nous proposons 16 longs et courts-métrages, ainsi que des documentaires réalisés par des femmes coréennes et canadiennes d’origine coréenne.
Alors profitons du beau programme préparé pour nous par Mi-Jeong Lee et son équipe.
Bon cinéma!
Marie Boti
Vice Présidente du Conseil d'administration du FFCC
Co-fondatrice de Multi-Monde
Dear Friends,
The Korean Film Festival Canada/ Festival du Film Coréen, Canada(FCC) is pleased to bring out 7th annual KFFC to you during this extraordinary time.
This year’s festival will be held entirely online due to COVID-19; however, we are excited to bring you a Korean film festival in new and innovative ways. You will be able to view amazing and interesting Korean films themed Narratives Beyond Borders: The Korean New Wave Cinema by Women Directors. The 7th Montreal Korean Film Festival boasts a wonderful lineup of films for fans of all ages and cinematic styles with this special topic, which will provide enjoyable moments.
There will also be several talks by various film scholars, directors, and commentators to explore the recent growth and success of Korean films in the global film world. During the festival, they will be participating in the virtual conference portion of "ART-Talks," and you will be able to enjoy several interesting talks and speeches. Although these events will be held online, you will be able to have conversations with the directors, film critiques, and scholars, while enjoying 16 Korean films.
The KFFC is most grateful to our wonderful volunteer steering committee for the many hours they have contributed to make the film festival so special. We also would like to thank several sponsors and volunteers, such as….(please include a few, if necessary) who support this year’s festival.
So welcome back. Enjoy!
Dal Yong Jin
KFFC Advisory Board Committee member
& Professor at the Simon Fraser University
The Korean Wave, that swept over the world like an unexpected, but beguiling tsunami of popular entertainment, from K-drama to K-pop, also included an abundance of films whose quality and range were positively astounding. One can see the culmination of this cornucopia of cinematic masterpieces in the long-overdue recognition of Parasite. Yet all along, at every turn of the Hallyu, including film, has been the contribution of women. As someone who has written on the work of Korean women filmmakers and has long been interested in their incalculable contribution to global cinema, I am very excited to be a part of the 7th Korean Film Festival Canada. I thank the organizing committee for inviting me to participate and look forward to both an enlightening conference and an exciting selection of films.
Frances Gateward
Professor at California State University, USA and author